Single ladies from Switzerland Online Single ladies from Switzerland
Single ladies from Switzerland
795357 -
Suica80 -
years old - Single I am from Interlaken/Bern, Seeking Dating with Man
1272647 -
Brunitah -
years old - Single but dating I am from Langenthal/Bern, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
1034607 -
**mina** -
years old - Divorced I am from Zurich/Zurich, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
2778305 -
Babybom -
years old - Single I am from Zurich/Zurich, Seeking Dating with Man
1957158 -
Chypie2 -
years old - Divorced I am from Zurich/Zurich, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
1597781 -
14958 -
years old - Divorced I am from Arzier/Geneva, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
474346 -
Kimberlyportugue -
years old - Single but dating I am from Basel/Basel-stadt, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
3240458 -
Braziliamoncaopo -
years old - Separated I am from Geneve/Geneva, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
917575 -
Pitucha75 -
years old - Single I am from Geneve/Geneva, Seeking Dating with Man
Espero conhecer aqui pessoas sinceras e interessantes, adoro conversar com as pessoas e saber mais sobre cada pessoa pois cada um tem um de tipo de cultura e personalidades diferentes nao mesmo, pois claro que nao sou casada, e peco aos homens casados que nao me mandam mensagens nao, por favor porque eu nao respondo.
1016315 -
Fatimajacotin -
years old - Divorced I am from Zurich/Zurich, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
Gostaria de homem sincero atraente carinhoso educado que gosta de dancar viajar e curtir a vida.
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4281186 -
Dyotima -
years old - Married I am from Bussigny/Vaud, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
1867896 -
Marina.i.rafael. -
years old - Single I am from Zurich/Zurich, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
1643722 -
Paulojoaopinto -
years old - Single but dating I am from Orbe/Vaud, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
4008107 -
Lelarosas -
years old - Separated I am from Genebra/Geneve, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
Sou simples. porêm um sonho real.
2218895 -
Ternuradocinha -
years old - Divorced I am from Basel/Basel-stadt, Seeking Dating with Man
2279108 -
Eneyde35 -
years old - Single I am from Montreux/Vaud, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
1514182 -
Isavar -
years old - Divorced I am from Sion/Valais, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
1213581 -
Sandra_23 -
years old - Judicially separated I am from Bulle/Fribourg, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
2543448 -
Magnifique -
years old - Divorced I am from Kollbrunn/Zurich, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
3959491 -
Rennata_12 -
years old - Single I am from Brissago/Tessino, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man